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New Lawns


Make sure that your newly laid lawn is never short of water. This is most crucial for new instant lawns, particularly during summer. Water daily until the turf is firmly rooted (about two weeks). After this period reduce the frequency of waterings to encourage the development of deeper and stronger roots. Check that the underlying soil is moist and that rooting is progressing well by lifting the corner of a turf. Weather conditions will dictate the amount and frequency of waterings. Be certain that your new ready lawn has enough moisture to survive hot, dry or windy periods. Water areas near buildings more often where reflected heat dries the turf.

Avoid walking on your newly laid lawn where possible especially after watering. This gives the roots an opportunity to knit together and will ensure that the surface remains smooth until the area is established.

Begin mowing once the turf is well rooted. Make sure ground conditions are firm so as to maintain a level surface. Set the mower high so as to remove no more than 1/3 of the overall height for the first few mowings. Then gradually reduce the mowing height to the desired height. We do not recommend mowing lower than 25mm. Have your mower serviced prior to your first mowing and then at least once a year.

View our Turf Care Calendar

Established lawns mowing

Mow regularly and as often as necessary to maintain a neat appearance. The closer you cut, the more often you should mow.

For most lawns the mower should be set to cut no lower than 25mm and should be used at least once a week, depending on the growth. Try to avoid leaving the lawn unmown for periods of weeks when the grass is growing fast.

When reducing the height of cut never remove more than 1/3 of the length of the grass.

It is best to mow when the grass is dry, but in prolonged wet weather mow when it is wet rather than let the grass grow too tall.

Mow in winter if mild periods have encouraged growth.

Calendar Maintenance


  • Mow regularly and often as necessary to maintain a neat apperance to match the increased growth.
  • When mowing, never remove more than 1/3 of the overall height of the grass in any one mowing.
  • Fertilise your lawn in September with a slow release fertiliser, following the instructions carefully on the amount and frequency of application.
  • Hand remove, or control weeds with a lawn spray specifically designed for use on lawns.


  • Fertilise your lawn in March/April with a slow release fertiliser, following the instructions carefully on the amount of frequency of application.
  • Hand remove, or control weeds with a lawn spray specifically designed for use on lawns
  • Continue mowing at the suggested mowing height as often as necessary to maintain a neat and tidy apperance.
  • When mowing, never remove more than 1/3 of the overall height of the grass in any one mowing.
  • Monitor for grass grub and Porina and control if necessary.
  • Remove tree leaves and other debris from the lawn area to prevent them for smothering the grass.


  • Water your lawn so that it is moist to a soil depth of 150mm. Lighter soils will require more frequent watering than heavier soils. A rule of thumb is 25mm once a week.
  • Fertilise your lawn in November with a slow release fertiliser, following the instructions carefully on the amount and frequency of application.
  • When mowing, never remove more than 1/3 of the overall height of the grass in any one mowing.
  • Mow regulary and as often as necessary to maintain a neat apperance to match the increased growth.
  • Monitor for grass grub and Porina and control if necessary.
  • Remove tree leaves and other debris from the lawn area to prevent them for smothering the grass.


  • Continue to mointor for Grass grub and Porina and control if necessary.
  • Mow as necessary to maintain a neat and tidy apperance.
  • Continue to remove tree leaves etc for prevent them from smothering the lawn.
  • Service your mower while not in use.

About Turflands

A home, business, park or sports field can be bare ground in the morning and covered in mature turf within hours with Turflands Turf. The finished look achieved with Turflands Turf adds prestige while it helps protect the environment from erosion, children from cuts and scrapes and carpets from mud.


At Turflands we are caring for your lawn right now. It doesn't matter what the season is, with Turflands you can have a new lawn to be proud of at any time of the year.


Whether your site looks like a swamp, a dust bowl or a construction zone, with Turflands turf you can turn that area into a beautiful carpet of green grass.


Turf is commonly known as instant lawn, rollout lawn or ready lawn.


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